Choose the solution
that fits your company

From a single HR system based on best practice and ready to use - to a solution tailor-made by your needs
Fully GDPR compliant
Multi lingual
Workflow automation
Organizational structure
Employee master data
Timed accountabilities between data types
Next of kin
On- and offboarding
Digital file archive
Digital signature of contracts etc.
CV / portfolio
Equipment lending
Vacation and absence management
Employee development interview
Screening question in job posting
Statistics on job posting ads
Document generation
Send to e-Boks

Ekstra omkostninger ved benyttelse af eksterne services.

Completed education
Training management
Certification management
Competence assessments
Probation dialogue
Salery and salery dialogue
Sickness absence dialogue
Decentralized administration of resources/equipment lending
Single Sign-On
API - integration with other systems
Open system
Custommade solutions
Customization of modules
Customization of permissions and system fields


For companies with HR-spreadsheets and manual workflows and where time is ripe to take advantage of the digital opportunities.

Based on best practice.

Designed for smaller companies and/or growth startups.

29 kr.
per employee per month***
Free support
Fully GDPR compliant
Multi lingual
Workflow automation
Organizational structure
Employee master data
Timed accountabilities between data types
Next of kin
On- and offboarding
Digital file archive
Digital signature of contracts etc.
CV / portfolio
Equipment lending
Vacation and absence management
Employee development interview
Screening question in job posting

Statistics on job posting ads

Document generation

Send to e-Boks


Completed education

Training management

Certification management

Competence assessments

Probation dialogue

Salery and salery dialogue

Sickness absence dialogue

Decentralized administration of resources/equipment lending

Single Sign-On

API - integration with other systems

Open system

Custommade solutions

Customization of modules

Customization of permissions and system fields


For companies with a
well-established HR practice in need of a unified HR system based on best practice
so it´s easy to deploy and maintain.

Designed for medium-sized and large companies.

41 kr.
per employee per month***
Free support
Fully GDPR compliant
Multi lingual
Workflow automation
Organizational structure
Employee master data
Timed accountabilities between data types
Next of kin
On- and offboarding
Digital file archive
Digital signature of contracts etc.
CV / portfolio
Equipment lending
Vacation and absence management
Employee development interview
Screening question in job posting
Statistics on job posting ads
Document generation
Send to e-Boks
Completed education
Training management
Certification management
Competence assessments
Probation dialogue
Salery and salery dialogue
Sickness absence dialogue
Decentralized administration of resources/equipment lending
Single Sign-On
API - integration with other systems
Open system

Custommade solutions

Customization of modules

Customization of permissions and system fields


For companies in need of a unified and - at the same time - customized HR solution that supports more complex HR tasks.

Possibility of full customization and development of special solutions.

Designed for medium-sized and large companies.

50 kr.
per employee per month***
Free support
Fully GDPR compliant
Multi lingual
Workflow automation
Organizational structure
Employee master data
Timed accountabilities between data types
Next of kin
On- and offboarding
Digital file archive
Digital signature of contracts etc.
CV / portfolio
Equipment lending
Vacation and absence management
Employee development interview
Screening question in job posting
Statistics on job posting ads
Document generation
Send to e-Boks
Completed education
Training management
Certification management
Competence assessments
Probation dialogue
Salery and salery dialogue
Sickness absence dialogue
Decentralized administration of resources/equipment lending
Single Sign-On
API - integration with other systems
Open system
Custommade solutions
Customization of modules
Customization of permissions and system fields

840*) INNOMATE HR Basic DKK 29 per employee per month with annual payment of DKK 348. Minimum per year DKK 10,440.
**) INNOMATE HR Pro DKK 41 per employee per month with annual payment of DKK 492. Minimum per year DKK 14,760.
***) INNOMATE HR Enterprise DKK 50 per employee per month with annual payment of DKK 600. Minimum per year DKK 18,000.

Prices are valid for 2024 and excl. VAT.

2017 Innomate